
eat poplar Learn more about eat poplar

  • Integrated control of poplar leaf-eating pests

    Integrated control of poplar leaf-eating pests

    Poplar is deeply loved by the people because of its fast-growing, wide growing area and outstanding economic benefits, but with the gradual expansion of poplar planting area, especially the development of pure forest area, the outbreak of poplar leaf-eating pests continues to occur, so the integrated control of poplar leaf-eating pests appears to be very.

  • Is it nutritious for sheep to eat poplar leaves?

    Is it nutritious for sheep to eat poplar leaves?

    I believe those who have fed sheep know that they like to eat not only grass but also leaves. So, is it nutritious for sheep to eat poplar leaves? Are the leaves of Populus tomentosa nutritious? Poplar leaves are rich in vitamins, amino acids and other substances, sheep eat not only the nutritional value

    2020-11-11 Sheep eat poplar leaves nutritious believe feed sheep
  • Poplar pest control

    Poplar pest control

    Poplar pests can be divided into the following categories in terms of damage methods and control measures: first, leaf-eating pests: mainly poplar fan boat moth, poplar small boat moth, poplar two-tail boat moth, poplar leaf borer, diamondback moth, beetle and so on. Poplar is damaged by the above pests from seedling stage to mature stage, causing leaf defect or eating up.

  • Control techniques of yellow poplar inchworm

    Control techniques of yellow poplar inchworm

    First, the harm: silk cotton, yellow poplar, Wei spear, elm, poplar, willow and so on. The larvae gather the leaves to feed, eat up the leaves and eat the skin of the twigs, resulting in the death of the whole plant. Second, the law of occurrence: there are 3 generations of 2murs a year, overwintering as pupae. Adults inhabit hidden places of branches and leaves during the day, move at night, mate, and lay eggs on the back of the leaves, arranged in double rows or blocks. There are dozens to more than a hundred eggs. Most of the eggs hatched at 5: 00 in the morning, the leaves were harmed, the skins were eaten, and the mature larvae fell into the soil and pupated.

  • There is a difference between male and female in this kind of tree. the female is seen to be cut down, but the male tree is taken as a treasure.

    There is a difference between male and female in this kind of tree. the female is seen to be cut down, but the male tree is taken as a treasure.

    This season, many people must be very depressed by the poplar flowers fluttering in the air, both allergies, rhinitis and even asthma. This kind of poplar is a harmful tree in both rural and urban areas, and many cities have begun to control poplar trees.

  • Control of common insect pests in poplar

    Control of common insect pests in poplar

    In recent years, poplar canker disease is common, and the incidence of serious land has reached more than 30%. Canker seriously weakens the tree potential and inhibits growth. If it is not controlled in time, it will cause greater economic losses to growers. Disease symptoms canker mainly harms tree trunks, is a chronic disease, the initial in the skin.

  • What about poplar worms?

    What about poplar worms?

    There are many kinds of diseases in poplar, and the damage is serious. The main pests are Plutella xylostella, Plutella xylostella and so on. So, what about poplar worms? First, what to do with poplar worms? 1. Artificial hunting. According to what the adults bite when they lay eggs

    2020-11-08 Poplar insect how to do poplar disease many kinds and
  • How to treat sheep diarrhea? What medicine does goat diarrhea take?

    How to treat sheep diarrhea? What medicine does goat diarrhea take?

    Diarrhea in sheep is a common disease, the main causes of which can be divided into two categories: pathogenic microbial infection and digestive system dysfunction. Diarrhea in sheep is harmful to sheep. The main symptoms, therapeutic drugs, prevention and treatment of sheep diarrhea are as follows: 1. Eliminate

    2020-11-11 Sheep diarrhea how treatment goat eat what medicine sheep
  • Planting and Seedling cultivation and Pest Control techniques of Italian Poplar

    Planting and Seedling cultivation and Pest Control techniques of Italian Poplar

    Planting and Seedling cultivation and Pest Control techniques of Italian Poplar

  • Management and Control of Garden Plant Diseases and insect pests in North China

    Management and Control of Garden Plant Diseases and insect pests in North China

    As urban garden plants need to comprehensively consider the ornamental needs, the introduction of garden plants between areas will increase the risk of diseases and insect pests, coupled with the imperfect framework of the relevant working system, it is difficult to implement the quarantine work, thus missing the best practice of prevention and control.

  • Can longicorn beetles eat?

    Can longicorn beetles eat?

    Can longicorn beetles eat?

  • Bonsai teaching: how to maintain boxwood bonsai? What are the characteristics?

    Bonsai teaching: how to maintain boxwood bonsai? What are the characteristics?

    I used to know poplar, but I don't know poplar, but I often think that Poplar is yellow poplar, but I am still studying science seriously. A lot of people don't know. It's good to teach you a taste with my knowledge. ...

  • Occurrence and control of black velvet beetles in Fengxiang County, Shaanxi Province

    Occurrence and control of black velvet beetles in Fengxiang County, Shaanxi Province

    Black plush beetle (commonly known as mole tiger), body length 7-8 mm, body color black brown or purple brown, body surface has dark brown villi. It occurs one generation a year, overwinters as adults, unearthed in April of the following year, and then feeds on the leaves of weeds, poplars, willows and elms. After the crop seedlings are unearthed, they migrate to sunflowers, legumes and other crops to feed. Lurking in weeds and soil crevices during the day. More than flying out of the cluster in the evening, eating willow, elm, young leaves of fruit trees, alfalfa and sunflowers, sweet potatoes, potatoes, beans and other crop seedlings. Adults have pseudo-death and phototaxis. At 5-

  • What is willow catkin? When will it fall and end? Attached allergy treatment and prevention methods

    What is willow catkin? When will it fall and end? Attached allergy treatment and prevention methods

    At the same time every year, willow catkins become the object of complaints from friends in the north, but what is willow catkins to friends in the south who do not have this problem? When will it fall? What if I have allergies? A series of questions are not very clear, so today

    2020-11-08 Willow catkins yes willow what when will fall
  • When to plant poplar can you plant Grifola frondosa?

    When to plant poplar can you plant Grifola frondosa?

    Grifola frondosa can be planted in summer and autumn, but in fact, the mycelium of Grifola frondosa can grow as long as the temperature is 20-30 ℃. Wild Grifola frondosa is mostly found at 100m above sea level, growing in the high temperature and rainy season in summer and autumn, and in oak and chestnut trees with weeds.

    2020-11-08 Ash tree flower when plant poplar can you plant abstract
  • Is a longicorn an insect?

    Is a longicorn an insect?

    Is a longicorn an insect?

  • Yellow poplar silk borer

    Yellow poplar silk borer

    Diaphaniaperspectalis (Walker), also known as yellow poplar black edge borer moth, belongs to the family Lepidoptera. [distribution and harm]: distributed in Shaanxi, Hebei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, Shanghai, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Xizang and other places. Harm to Populus tomentosa, Populus tomentosa and so on. Larvae often use silk to connect the surrounding leaves as temporary nests, where they feed, and when they are serious

  • Control techniques of Helicoverpa armigera

    Control techniques of Helicoverpa armigera

    Control techniques of Helicoverpa armigera

  • One of the most precious wild vegetables in the south grows only in living springs, commonly known as water-based poplars.

    One of the most precious wild vegetables in the south grows only in living springs, commonly known as water-based poplars.

    Everyone has eaten a lot of wild vegetables, some growing in the mountains, some growing on the roadside, some as valuable as matsutake and chicken fir, and some cheap dandelions and purslane for free. Anyway, when most people talk about wild vegetables, all they think of is.

  • Control of Chilo suppressalis in Yellow Poplar

    Control of Chilo suppressalis in Yellow Poplar

    Lepidoptera: Pyralidae is one of the leaf-eating pests on hedge plants such as Populus tomentosa, Populus tomentosa and so on. It is mainly harmful to the top tips and leaves of hedge plants, resulting in bare branches and leaves, which greatly reduces the greening and ornamental value. In recent years, the harm has been aggravated year by year in all parts of the country. Distribution and damage are distributed in Sichuan, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Shandong, Hebei, Shaanxi, Qinghai, Xizang. The larvae spit silk and adorn the leaves to nest and feed.
